Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Why Is It ??

It was 3.00am last Saturday morning when I was woken by 'im indoors, number 1 son, number 2 son and my brother' loading the car with fishing gear for their big sea fishing trip.
I then eventually dozed off and am rudely awakened by the neighbour down the road having a bitch fit at the old man !

I could hear him knocking on the door, calling her - ***** let me in , aww come on love !
Then she goes into one ! and shrieks get outta my F*****g house !  I thought to myself , he's not in your house love , he is outside wanting to get in ! Anyway this went on and on , then he gets in his little orangey/yellow peugeot (wicked ! wicked!) zooms off, then zooms back for a second try (obviously went round the block - in more ways than one may I add !).

He knocks the door again ! - then she shouts for him to get out of her house again, but he is so obviously not in her house or he wouldnt be asking to be let in the house !

The best bit was - we all know , yep the whole street knows that he can't keep his c**k in his trousers because she said so  - she even named him 'oh ******* ******** can't keep his c**k in his trousers !

Well later on that day, I was outside putting me recycling out as you do! When I saw a neighbour who lives opposite the man who cannot control the beast ! and she shouted out to the Mrs who wanted him out of her house but never let him in 'ere, fancy that ! - the woman said 'what'  - the neighbour said 'you're old man wots his name ****** ****** can't keep his c**k in his trousers !' - the woman said 'and  how the hell do you know' - the neighbour said 'the whole bloody street knows love, oh and before you decide to throw him out of your house, he needs to be in it in the first place ' .

We haven't heard a peep since !

So why is it we say these things when arguing ? Is it really for the benefit of the street and its ears , is it because one has had such a crap night waiting up for him all night , that we decide we will wake everyone else up too !

There is one thing for sure - if he was my old man, I would let him in, wait until he was asleep and smack it between two house bricks !

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