Thursday, 12 August 2010

Damned if you do ! Damned if you don't ! Its a load of old bollards really !

I did have to smile to myself when I read the Swindon Advertiser the other night !
There was a story in there about this bloke complaining about people driving cars up his alley ! Ouch ! sounds painful .

Well to cut a long story short - the council moved a lamp-post that was situated in the middle of the alleyway - I guess they may had complaints that it was in an awkward position and in the way ! However, since they moved it - this has now made the alleyway accessible to vehicles to use as a rat run !

The council basically said that they didn't realise that the lamp-post was more than just a lamp-post , as if they'd have left it where it was in the first place, it would have served a duel purpose !

So ..... I wonder what they will do , as the bloke is getting well pee'd off with vehicles keep driving up his alley (ok not his alley but the alley where he lives).

Do they move the lamp-post back to where it once was , or do they look at putting in a bollard or two !
Either way its going to cost money and I bet they wish they didn't move the lamp-post in the first place , and I bet the person who made a song and dance so they did move it , wishes they never as they now have a worse problem than just a lamp-post in the way !
Picture below taken from:


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