Saturday, 14 August 2010

I Bloody Well Hate That Word 'Hun' !

Why is it that many facebook users and people who chat on other social networking sites often use the word 'Hun'?

I bloody well hate it !
In the urban dictionary it means: "short for honey, an endearing term , Hey hun, i missed you!"

Every time I see it or hear it, it reminds me of 'chaviness' , I picture the 'hun user' as one who smokes one fag/roll-up after another and drinks white lightening.

In Wiki- terms 'Hun' means - "The Huns were a group of nomadic pastoral people who, appearing from beyond the Volga, migrated into Europe c. 370 AD and built up an enormous empire in Europe."

I suppose its like a lot of words of late - our dictionary seems to be expanding at a vast rate with urban slang and text talk !  

I mean take 'minger' for example - Urban dictionary meaning: "Although now more commonly used to define an extremely visually challanging appearance, the word minger originally came from scottish gaelic, meaning 'septic vagina'. 
Now often used by chavs all over Britain to define anything remotely disgusting
Eurgh look Shaz, thats right minging, innit?

Wiki Definition: Minger - colloquial (and highly pejorative) British slang to refer to a man or woman perceived as unattractive, or something that's disgusting.

Munted is another word I often hear - Urban dictionary : " completely twatted of your face & gurning like a water buffalo.
fuck me, I was munted last night. "

Wiki Definition :  Sorry can't find it on Wiki. 

So where do these words come from ? Who makes them up and defines the meanings ?
It fascinates me how words and language have evolved and changed over the years. maybe I should study lexicology more often .

Jeremy Kyle Show - with potential users of the word 'Hun'
Anyway - if you happen to come across me on facebook - please do not refer to me as 'hun' or face being blocked /deleted or removed . The word makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck and I would rather eat bugs from the jungle than use it myself !

Attila the Hun 

Thursday, 12 August 2010

Damned if you do ! Damned if you don't ! Its a load of old bollards really !

I did have to smile to myself when I read the Swindon Advertiser the other night !
There was a story in there about this bloke complaining about people driving cars up his alley ! Ouch ! sounds painful .

Well to cut a long story short - the council moved a lamp-post that was situated in the middle of the alleyway - I guess they may had complaints that it was in an awkward position and in the way ! However, since they moved it - this has now made the alleyway accessible to vehicles to use as a rat run !

The council basically said that they didn't realise that the lamp-post was more than just a lamp-post , as if they'd have left it where it was in the first place, it would have served a duel purpose !

So ..... I wonder what they will do , as the bloke is getting well pee'd off with vehicles keep driving up his alley (ok not his alley but the alley where he lives).

Do they move the lamp-post back to where it once was , or do they look at putting in a bollard or two !
Either way its going to cost money and I bet they wish they didn't move the lamp-post in the first place , and I bet the person who made a song and dance so they did move it , wishes they never as they now have a worse problem than just a lamp-post in the way !
Picture below taken from:


Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Why Is It ??

It was 3.00am last Saturday morning when I was woken by 'im indoors, number 1 son, number 2 son and my brother' loading the car with fishing gear for their big sea fishing trip.
I then eventually dozed off and am rudely awakened by the neighbour down the road having a bitch fit at the old man !

I could hear him knocking on the door, calling her - ***** let me in , aww come on love !
Then she goes into one ! and shrieks get outta my F*****g house !  I thought to myself , he's not in your house love , he is outside wanting to get in ! Anyway this went on and on , then he gets in his little orangey/yellow peugeot (wicked ! wicked!) zooms off, then zooms back for a second try (obviously went round the block - in more ways than one may I add !).

He knocks the door again ! - then she shouts for him to get out of her house again, but he is so obviously not in her house or he wouldnt be asking to be let in the house !

The best bit was - we all know , yep the whole street knows that he can't keep his c**k in his trousers because she said so  - she even named him 'oh ******* ******** can't keep his c**k in his trousers !

Well later on that day, I was outside putting me recycling out as you do! When I saw a neighbour who lives opposite the man who cannot control the beast ! and she shouted out to the Mrs who wanted him out of her house but never let him in 'ere, fancy that ! - the woman said 'what'  - the neighbour said 'you're old man wots his name ****** ****** can't keep his c**k in his trousers !' - the woman said 'and  how the hell do you know' - the neighbour said 'the whole bloody street knows love, oh and before you decide to throw him out of your house, he needs to be in it in the first place ' .

We haven't heard a peep since !

So why is it we say these things when arguing ? Is it really for the benefit of the street and its ears , is it because one has had such a crap night waiting up for him all night , that we decide we will wake everyone else up too !

There is one thing for sure - if he was my old man, I would let him in, wait until he was asleep and smack it between two house bricks !

Monday, 9 August 2010

Husbands and Supermarket Shopping !

I don't know about you other ladies out there, but is it just me or do men/husbands become walking activity centers when they go food shopping especially in supermarkets ?

I have been noticing for a while now how 'him indoors' can't walk past the chickens in ASDA anymore without making clucking sounds followed by 'chic chic chic chic chicken' in a weirdo voice.
The other thing I have noticed is that when he bends down to pick items off the bottom shelf to put in the trolley, he does sound effects like a 5 year old pretending to be a robot !
Honestly! he wonders why I am walking ten paces behind when he's whooping up the isles .

Oh and the other thing he does, is he bloody well moans and he know best. Back a few months ago in the cold weather, he wanted beef stew for dinner. Now I don't know about anyone else, but I love leeks in stews. Well we were at the fruit and veg isle and I mentioned getting a leak as he was picking out his mushrooms for his early morning fry-ups. 'Huh' he grumbles , you've got onions in the fridge, they are just the same .

Now how does a bloody onion resemble a leak ?  Anyway , I wonder over to the spuds , when I saw him grab another woman's arm (she was over by the leaks) so I hovered a little and he was just in mid flow- 'I said we have got onions in the fridge, they are the same as leaks', with that the woman turned round, and said 'are they dear, that's nice'. Well he went a funny shade of scarlet , in fact if he was by the beet-root, someone may have purchased him.

He farts out loud as well - probably all the excitement of shopping - however he does it when he is bent over the freezers reaching in for his ASDA curry and garlic bread ! He then quickly moves while I am still stood there , so I get the blame.

I think men should be barred from shopping in supermarkets and leave it to us women.
Oh the other thing he does, is he shops for himself  - he puts everything in the trolley that he likes, bugger the rest of us, then has the bloody cheek to ask me to hide his sausages and black-pudding so the others (the kids - well grown up kids who still live at home) don't eat it !

Shopping with him is a real experience I can tell you !
When there are big queues for the checkouts - he thinks he is the only one in a bloody queue !
Then he starts ! 'Huh look at the bloody queues - well if this keeps up I'm shopping at Tesco's'
No bugger gives a shit if he wants to shop at Tescos ! He obviously thinks they do as he says it louder and louder until someone in the next queue shout out 'good idea mate', 'I'd go there now if I were you'.

...... And why is it , men have to grab the bloody back end of a shopping trolley as you are on the front end, to pull it round the friggin corner quicker - I am riled enough with the sound effects, then he messes with my trolley - I tell you I get so enraged at the end that I accidently on purpose , run the bastid over ! Well ram it into the back of his shins - its stopped him from trying to wang it round corners now !

So ........ any ladies out there or men even  , who have similar experiences when they go shopping with him indoors or her indoors ?
I would love to know ! (Im indoors is in his late 40's by the way ! ) Is it an age thing ?

Anyway I have waffled long enough and have taken to growing my own leaks

That Woman !